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Growers everywhere face a constant challenge to manage the damage caused by insect pests. The TIFONG insecticide portfolio offers an extensive range of trusted solutions and a growing number of innovative products that meet this challenge head on.

TIFONG's full range of high quality insecticides have selectively controlled the growth of the insect, mite and nematode populations that otherwise would damage the quality and development of crops. These solutions minimize the damage to the crops by controlling harmful pests.

Our insecticides protect crops from direct and indirect damage, vector diseases and contamination to maximize crop yield potential, which has a direct impact on the current and future food supply.

GLP toxicity data
GLP 5 batch data
dinotefuran 1% GR Insecticide Rice: planthopper, leafhopper, aphid, thrip, whitefly, water weevil, plant weevil

Vegetables, Fruit, Sugarbeet and others: broad spectrum

Acute toxicity Yes
dinotefuran 10% W/V SL Insecticide Rice: planthopper, leafhopper, aphid, thrip, whitefly, water weevil, plant weevil

Vegetables, Fruit, Sugarbeet and others: broad spectrum

Acute toxicity Yes
dinotefuran 10% WP Insecticide Rice: planthopper, leafhopper, aphid, thrip, whitefly, water weevil, plant weevil

Vegetables, Fruit, Sugarbeet and others: broad spectrum

Acute toxicity Yes
dinotefuran 20% SG Insecticide Rice: planthopper, leafhopper, aphid, thrip, whitefly, water weevil, plant weevil

Cucumber: thrip, whitefly

Acute toxicity Yes
emamectin benzoate 1.92% EC Insecticide

Vegetable, Fruit, Cotton: lepidoptera, spodoptera. Including beet and fall armyworm, cabbage wireworm, corn earworm, diamondback moth, cross-striped and imported cabbageworms and soybean/cabbage loopers

Acute toxicity Yes
emamectin benzoate 5% SG Insecticide Vegetable, Fruit, Cotton: lepidoptera, spodoptera. Including beet and fall armyworm, cabbage wireworm, corn earworm, diamondback moth, cross-striped and imported cabbageworms and soybean/cabbage loopers Acute toxicity Yes
fenobucarb 50% W/V EC Insecticide Rice: planthopper, leafhopper Acute toxicity Yes
fenobucarb 95% Tech Insecticide

Yes Yes
fipronil 5% W/V SC Insecticide Rice: Brown planthopper, stem borer, water weevil

Maize: corn rootworm, European cornborer, corn wireworm, thrips

Potato: colorado beetles

Sugarcane, Non-crop, Vegetables, Fruits, Cotton, Plantation crops, Sugarbeet: a wide range of insects

Acute toxicity Yes
fosthiazate 10% SG Insecticide Nematicide Potato, Vegetables, Plantation crops, citrus: nematodes, aphids, thrips Acute toxicity Yes
imidacloprid 70% WG Insecticide Cotton: aphid, thrip, whitefly

Maize: European corn borer, cornstalk borer, flea beetle aphid, thrip

Rice: white backed plant hopper, brown planthopper, green leafhopper, leaf beetle, other leaf hoppers, stem borer, water weevil

Vine: colorado beetles, aphid

Vegetbles, Citrus, Cereals, Sugar beet, Non-crop use, Fruit: a wide range of insects

Acute toxicity Yes
imidacloprid 70% WS Insecticide Cotton: aphid, thrip, whitefly

Maize: European corn borer,cornstalk borer, flea bettle aphid, thrip

Rice: white backed plant hopper, brown planthopper, green leafhopper, leaf beetle, other leaf hoppers, stem borer, water weevil

Vine: colorado beetles, aphid

Vegetbles, Citrus, Cereals, Sugar beet, Non-crop use, Fruit: a wide range of insects

Acute toxicity Yes
indoxacarb 15% W/V SC Insecticide Cotton: bollworm complex, other lepidoptera

Rice: rice leaf roller

Vegetables, Fruits, Potato, Alfalfa, Soybean, Peanut: a wide range of insects

Acute toxicity Yes
indoxacarb 30% WG Insecticide Cotton: bollworm complex, other lepidoptera

Rice: rice leaf roller

Vegetables, Fruits, Potato, Alfalfa, Soybean, Peanut: a wide range of insects

Acute toxicity Yes
isoprocarb 50% WP Insecticide

Rice: planthopper

Acute toxicity Yes
acetamiprid 20% SP Insecticide

wheat, rice, cotton, cucumber, citrus: aphid, planthopper

Yes Yes
isoprocarb 95% Tech Insecticide Yes Yes
acetamiprid 2.85% W/V EC Insecticide

citrus, fruits, cucumber, vegetables: aphid

Yes Yes
lambda-cyhalothrin 2.5% W/V EC Insecticide

One of the leading pyrethroid insecticides. 

Maize: European corn borer, aphid, flea beetle, corn rootworm, cutworm, armyworm, wireworm, grasshopper

Cotton: boll weevil, bollworm, other lepidoptera, thrip

Vine: caterpillar, leaf hopper, leaf roller, mite

Potato: colorado beetle, aphid

Rape, Cereal, Vegetable, No-crop use, Sunflower: a wide range of insects

Acute toxicity Yes
methoxyfenozide 24% W/V SC Insecticide

Rice: striped stem borer

Cotton, Vegetable, Fruit, Potato, Vine: Lepidoptera

Acute toxicity Yes
pyridaben 13.5% W/V EC Insecticide Miticide

Citrus, apple: spider mite

control of mites and whiteflies in greenhouses on ornamental plants, flower and foliage crops and mites on greenhouse peppers, greenhouse cucumbers and greenhouse tomatoes and outdoor ornamental plants for nursery stock

Acute toxicity Yes
pyridaben 20% WP Insecticide Miticide

Citrus, apple: spider mite

control of mites and whiteflies in greenhouses on ornamental plants, flower and foliage crops and mites on greenhouse peppers, greenhouse cucumbers and greenhouse tomatoes and outdoor ornamental plants for nursery stock

Acute toxicity Yes
thiacloprid 24% W/V SC Insecticide Against sucking and chewing pests with applicatinos in pome and stone fruit, oilseed rape, berries, cotton, potato, vegetables, cereals, rice and ornamentals.  Acute toxicity Yes
thiamethoxam 25% WG Insecticide

Maize: corn rootworm, cutworm, flea bettle, seedcorn maggot, wireworm

Cotton: whitefly, thrip, aphid

Potato: aphid, colorado beetle

Rice, Soybean, Coffee, Sugarcane, Rape, Cereal, Fruit, Vegetable, Non-Crop: a wide range of insects

Acute toxicity Yes
thiodicarb 75% WP Insecticide Molluscicide

Maize: corn rootworm, cutworm, armyworm, flea beetle, aphid

Cotton: bollworm

Vine: caterpillar, leaf roller

Soybean, Fruit, Vegetable, Plantation crops, Cereal, Rape: a wide range of insects

Acute toxicity Yes
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