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For more than 10 years TIFONG has helped farmers growing vine, orchard fruits, cereals and other crops to protect their fields from fungal infections.

Pathogenic fungus impairs plant development, causing a decrease in both quantity and quality of harvest. Fungus damages plants both directly and indirectly, causing yield reduction and even worse, potentially becoming a health risk by producing compounds that are toxic to animals and plants. 

We are continually developing new formulations and mixtures to improve and expand our broad range of fungicide offerings. Choosing specific high quality elements from our wide portfolio of both proprietary and off-patent active ingredients we create new safe, unique and highly effective fungicide formulations.

GLP toxicity data
GLP 5 batch data
azoxystrobin 25% W/V SC Fungicide

Cereals: brown rust, yellow rust, septoria leaf spot, powdery mildew, eyespot

Soybean: rust disease

Rice: rice blast, sheath blight, bakanae disease

Cucumber: powdery mildew, downy mildew, scab of cucurbit,gummy stem blight

Potato: early blight, late blight, tar spot disease

Grape: downy mildew, white rot, black pox

White gourd: downy mildew, anthrax

Tomato: late blight, leaf mold, early blight

Orange: citrus scab, anthrax

Cauliflower: downy mildew

Flower: powdery mildew

Pepper: anthrax, blight

Mango: anthrax

Watermelon: anthrax

Banana: leaf spot

Acute toxicity Yes
azoxystrobin+chlorothalonil 6%+50% W/V SC Fungicide Wheat, Rye, Triticale, Barley: Septoria leaf blotch, yellow rust, brown rust, reduction of Take-all

Watermelon: anthrax, gummy stem blight

Cucumber: downy mildew

Tomato: early blight

Pepper: anthrax

Lychee: downy mildew

Acute toxicity Yes
azoxystrobin+difenoconazole 20%+12.5% W/V SC Fungicide groundnuts: leaf spot

Pepper: anthrax

Rice: rice blast, rice sheath blight

Watermelon: gummy stem blight, anthrax

Banana: leaf spot

Acute toxicity Yes
benomyl 50% WP Fungicide Highly effective against wide range of crop diseases.

Beans: powdery midlew

Cabbage: leaf spot

Cucumber: powdery midew

Grapes: powdery mildew

Mango: Anthracnose

Peach: peach scrab

Papaya: powdery midlew

Pepper: leaf spot

Tobacco: leaf mold, frog eye

Banana: leaf spot, yellow/black sigatoka

Orange: scab

Asparagus: stem blight

Acute toxicity Yes
benomyl 95% Tech Fungicide Yes Yes
captan 50% WP Fungicide

Tomato: leaf mold, grey mold, early blight

Potato: tar spot disease

Pear: pear scab

Cucumber: anthrax

Pepper: anthrax

Strawberry: grey mold

Apple: ring rot

Grape: downy mildew

Acute toxicity Yes
carbendazim 50% W/V SC Fungicide Rice: rice sheath blight, rice blast

Wheat: fusarium head blight

Apple: ring rot

groundnuts: leaf spot

Acute toxicity Yes
carbendazim 50% WP Fungicide Rice: rice sheath blight, rice blast

Wheat: fusarium head blight

Apple: ring rot

groundnuts: leaf spot, stem rot

Acute toxicity Yes
carbendazim 95% Tech Fungicide Yes Yes
difenoconazole 10% WG Fungicide Pear: pear scab

Apple: altermaria leaf spot

Watermelon: anthrax

Bitter gourd: powdery mildew

Celery: spot blight, leaf spot

Tomato: early blight

Pepper: anthrax

Bean: rust disease

Tea: anthrax

Cabbage: black spot

Garlic: leaf blight

Orange: citrus scab

Cucumber: powdery mildew

Lychee: anthrax

Asparagus: stem blight

Grape: anthrax

Pomegranate: pocky skin disease

Onion: purple blotch

Acute toxicity Yes
difenoconazole 25% W/V EC Fungicide Banana: leaf spot, black spot

Rice: rice sheath blight

Acute toxicity Yes
dimethomorph 50% WP Fungicide

Cucumber: downy mildew

Pepper: blight

Tobacco: black shank

Acute toxicity Yes
epoxiconazole 12.5% W/V SC Fungicide Rice: false smut, sheath blight

Wheat: rust disease, powdery mildew

Banana: leaf spot

Orange: Anthrax 

Acute toxicity Yes
fludioxonil 25% W/V FS Fungicide Cotton: damping-off

Soybean: root rot

Rice: bakanae disease

groundnuts: root rot

Wheat: root rot, common bunt 

Potato: tar spot disease

Ginseng: damping-off

Maize: basal stem rot

Acute toxicity Yes
fosetyl-aluminium 80% WP Fungicide Cucumber: downy mildew

Pepper: blast

Cotton: blight

Vegetable: downy mildew

Rice: blast, sheath blight

Tobacco: black shank

Acute toxicity Yes
hexaconazole 5% W/V SC Fungicide

Rice: sheath blight, false smut

Wheat: powdery mildew, rust diseast

Grape: powdeyr mildew

Cucumber: powdery mildew

Pear: pear scab

Tomato: grey mold

Apple: altermaria leaf spot, powdery mildew

Acute toxicity Yes
hexaconazole 95% Tech Fungicide Yes Yes
isoprothiolane 41.76% W/V EC Fungicide Rice: rice blast Acute toxicity Yes
isoprothiolane 98% Tech Fungicide Yes Yes
metalaxyl + mancozeb 8%+64% WP Fungicide Cucumber: downy mildew

Tobacco: black shank

Grape: downy mildew

Acute toxicity Yes
metalaxyl 35% DS Fungicide Cereals: millet downy mildew Acute toxicity Yes
propiconazole 25% W/V EC Fungicide Banana: leaf spot

Wheat: rust disease, powdery mildew, root rot, sheath blight

Rice: sheath blight

Lotus root: leaf spot

Wild rice stem: brown spot

Acute toxicity Yes
tebuconazole 43% W/V SC Fungicide Apple: altermaria leaf spot, ring rot

Pear: pear scab

Rice: false smut, sheath blight

Cucumber: powdery mildew

Bitter gourd: powdery mildew

Wheat: rust disease, powdery mildew

Acute toxicity Yes
tricyclazole 75% WP Fungicide Rice: rice blast Acute toxicity Yes
validamycin 3% W/V SL Fungicide Rice: sheath blight Acute toxicity Yes
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